HMW is dedicated to keeping your details private. Any information, we collect in relation to you, is kept strictly secure. We do not pass on, sell or swap any of your personal details with anyone. We use this information to identify your orders, provide you with our monthly newsletter (if applicable) and to personalize your shopping experience with us; that's all. HMW uses cookies to allow you to log in to your account, maintain a shopping cart and to purchase items in your shopping cart. Cookies sent to your computer from HMW only last while you’re browsing our website. Cookies also allow us to give you a more personalized shopping experience by displaying products that interest you throughout our product pages, thus providing you with a more friendly, interesting and enjoyable shopping experience.
Whenever you use our web site, or any other web site, the computer on which the web pages are stored (the Web server) needs to know the network address of your computer so that it can send the requested web pages to your Internet browser. The unique network address of your computer is called its "IP address," and is sent automatically each time you access any Internet site. From a computer's IP address, it is possible to determine the general geographic location of that computer, but otherwise it is anonymous.
We do not keep a record of the IP addresses from which users access our site except where you have specifically provided us with information about yourself for a product purchase, in which case we also record your IP address for security purposes. An example of this would be when proceeding to a checkout to finalise an order you may wish to make. After completing the form provided, your IP address will be stored along with a transaction number that allows us to track your order.
HMW collects e-mail addresses of people who send us e-mail. We also collect information on what pages users access and information provided to us by users via surveys and site registrations. Such information may contain personal data about you including your address, phone numbers etc. HMW does not collect or store credit card information. We are not allowed to disclose such personal information without your written permission. However, certain information collected from you and about you is used within the context of providing our services to you. The information we collect is not shared with, sold or rented to others except under certain circumstances in which your use of the Service is deemed to provide to us a valid consent to disclose the following:
- HMW may share personal information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of HMW’s terms of use, or as otherwise required by law.
- HMW employs other companies to perform tasks on our behalf and may need to share your information with them to provide products and services to you. HMW may also share your information to provide products or services you’ve requested or when we have your permission.
- We will transfer information about you if HMW is acquired by or merged with another company. In this event, HMW will notify you by email or by putting a prominent notice on the HMW website before information about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.